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How to get to Murchison Falls National Park.

The park can be accessed through a number of routes by road and this takes approximately 5hours. There are public transport buses, that go up to Masindi which is the nearest town to park. And from there you can hire a car to take you all the way to the park. You can similarly access MFNP via direct route that covers an area of about 153km. However you can use the route via Budungo forest and hear wonderful views overlooking the Lake Albert from the direct position of the rift valley escarpment over Butiaba. You can also access Paara from the north through Chobe Gate near karuma falls along with Tangi. This gate which is close to pakwach also covers an area of about 25km to paara. In addition to wankwar gate close to Purongo. Also people with the vehicles or the public means will definitely go through the Nile at paara. It has a fixed time from 7:00 to 19:00.

Besides road means, Murchison can also be accessed by air. Pakuba is the landing site for the charter flights and this takes about 19kms from Paara and Bugungu covers an area of 13kms from Paraa. Information about entry requirements such as visas and passports can also be acquired from tour operators and travel agents.